Jeimy Juieth Bonilla: 

1.      Language: is a structure communication system is used to communicate thoughts or feelings through the use of system of signs, signals, symbols, sounds in both humans and animals language meets communication needs as human language is embodied in a language that is learned in childhood.
2.      Learning: is the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and skills through the result of the study or experiences in humans, process of change which consists in acquiring, understanding and applying information that we have been transmitted which we adapt to our context or opinion, in the first 3 years of life a person retains, classifies and archives more information this is developed in a social environment
3.      Teaching: is one of the activities carried out during the course of a person's life which consists in passing knowledge to another person, for example, of attitudes which is carried out in a spontaneous way in the different situations of life.
4.      Starting with the constructivist school, Jean Piaget must be named as a figure, who states that knowledge is centered on interaction with the environment.
This school includes the diversity of interests, needs and motivations of the student, seeks new alternatives for the organization and distribution of knowledge, promotes the interaction between the teacher and the students highlighting the role of the teacher as a dynamizer, in the learning process but where main protagonist is the student, allows to see the difficulties of students to carry out their accompaniment with the necessary means to develop activities that make sense for students in their own contexts and facilitate the development of skills.
5.      The philosophy of Vygotsky
Lev vygotski focuses on the social environment allow an internal reconstruction Socio-cultural theory, which means that students learn easier in a social environment than social interaction play an important role in the learning of young people

Dynamics in class

1. Students are asked to meet other people with whom they agree with the answer to the questions. For example:
·         Find someone in the classroom who practices the same sport.
·         Find someone in the classroom who likes the same color
·         Find someone in the classroom who meets the age in the same month
2. With the whole group of students making a circle, each student is going to say a verb in English adding the previous and the new verb thus finalize this to motivate the collaborative learning.
3. Make groups of 4 students each, give an exponent to the parts of the house in English by making a model.
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