Claudia Patricia Diaz:
1.      The language is a complex system created by man in his quest to satisfy your need to express their feelings, emotions and ideas. This system is composed of several elements, which are interrelated, allowing the man to communicate in different ways with others and is acquired of their environment in a natural way and without effort.
2.      The learning is considered as the process that allows an individual to acquire knowledge, content, information, theories, and can be acquired in two ways: the theoretical or practice. In this process also act very important elements such as cognition and memory, so that is a unique process, as each individual to be different, but also his way of perceiving the environment is different and unique. Why teachers must find innovative strategies and new pedagogical practices to meet the needs of the students.
3.      Closely linked to this process we find the teaching as the way, way, technique or method that professor applied to acquire the knowledge. This process focuses on how it is transmitting the knowledge to students, and this is where the role of the teacher is fundamental because it is he who promotes the motivation and interest of students through the curiosity, the wonder and the application of themes in your environment.
4.      For Vygotsky the learning is building of the knowledge, and this is the result of the relationship between   the individual and your learning environment, given that the phase first is the individualism must first begin you’re learning with a priori Knowledge and to have the ability of understands himself.
The phase of social interaction allow the participation and collaboration of group where the contributions are exchanges and is to generate the knowledge. These two phases be connected together and one depends on the other.
Concluded, our can to see as the constructivism breaks with the traditional methods of learning that involve the perception passive, memorization, mechanical learning  and allows master the language,  that not is only to say the words, only to have the mental ability  to perceive environment, internalize the ideas, express  and to answer with meaning in anyone context.
A class example from Vigotsky´s theory:
The topic of the class is: Living and non living beings:
1.      The teacher invites students to go for a walk around the green áreas of the school.
They will say the living beins they see.
2.      The teacher  asks students to make groups.
3.      The teacher asks students to draw in a poster the living beings  they saw. The students also write the features of each living being.

4.      At the end, a student from the group will show their work in front of the class.
