Julieth Bastidas:

1.      LANGUAGE:
The language has relation with the signs and codes that the humans use to communicate with others. In the language is implicit the words and corporal posture; because with this posture we can to explain to the other people the sense of our words. Not is the same say Nice to meet you with a smile in the face that say nice to meet you with a sad or worried or disgusting face.
2.      LEARNING:
The learning refers to the process in which we can acquire experiences, information and knowledge this learning usually is through of steps, and for the case of the learning in the academic live this procedure is accompanying by a teacher who guide our way in the process and watch our progress.
3.      TEACHING:
The teaching is intimate rationed with the learning in this case are transmitted knowledge about a subject. The students or the learners learning contents related and the connection between the different contents. In the teaching a person who have some knowledge about a theme, try of transmitted this and is in this point when enter in game tools and strategies that allow that the learner achieved acquire this knowledge.
The constructivism pose the human interaction as contribution of the learning, it implies that the human learning is not received in a passive form, but is building actively, the constructivism consider that the learning in the people is ever an interior subjective construction.
The learning is a self-construction that grow day by day as result of an interaction, that is to say the knowledge not is a copy of the reality, this is a construction of the human according with the context.
Vygotsky consider that the social environment is very important for the learning, the social interaction helps to explain the changes in the thought and unified the behavior and the mind. For Vygotsky is vital the active role of the teacher meanwhile the mental activities of the learners continued the natural development of the discoveries and the language is a tool that allow take awareness about oneself and train our actions; the person no longer imitates the conduct of other persons, being as with the language exist the possibility of to affirm or not according with the awareness. Is in this moment, when each person begin to being different of the others.
•          An example of application of the social constructivism of Vygotsky can be the next:
(Environment of application: Students of primary school.)

Organize little groups
The students organize in groups of maxim 5 persons, between students with major facilities in the learning of English and others with some difficulties in this subject.
Theme: Present progressive Theme: Present progressive. The teacher explain the theme and the activity.
The activity consists in that each member of the group write and read 3 sentences of their daily routine and socialize in the group
The students work in team and help them and try to correct their mistakes in writing or reading.
All the process in accompanying for the teacher in the case of exist some dudes.
